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The 'white' approach to covid.

Right now in late Jan 2022, omicron "BA.2" has emerged and is a serious threat but the media and society are in total denial and are distracted. Their approach to covid is a 'white' approach and goes like this - they will carry on stubbornly being and doing what they are and do, all the time, making things worse, on every front, and sooner or later covid [[or rather, the outcomes of western pseudoscience and militarism]] will throw in the towel and accept that their whiteness and brow beating trumps its deadliness!!!

When all you need to silence and shut down are vulnerable and exploited victims of your racial preference that may 'work', but trust me you will NOT save your kids' lives from covid [[the outcomes of your militarism and pseudoscience]] by trying to treat it the same way you have treated your other designated 'enemies' like non white people. Calling covid [[the outcomes of your militarism and pseudoscience]] 'woke', for example, or a wife beater or an anti-semite or a terrorist - will not make ANY DIFFERENCE AT ALL to its spread and to the deaths of your kids. Whitesplaining can't save you. Pseudo-science is pseudo-science. Your problems will get worse and worse until the day you begin to become an honest society. And even that day will only be the beginning of change for the better, it'll take a while after that.

And more stupid 'whiteness' RIGHT AT THIS TIME? Ukraine's puppet western leader beseeched Biden to 'calm down' as Ukraine doesn't want to become a blood bath, like Iraq. Johnson meanwhile is so desperate to save his career that he wants his own Falklands and has made extremely abusive remarks towards Russia, AFTER the Ukrainian leader's call for the west to not cause a war in Ukraine! Johnson wants and needs a war and many Ukrainians will die so he can stay Prime Minister and enjoy more parties as PM - obviously even when he isn't PM he'll carry on partying like Wayne and Garth and Blair and the Queen and Epstein and the lot of em. Weinstein. Party on Boris, they all say. Party on.

<< consumers, indifferent to ethics, and more than willing to criminalize and pathologize the enemy, reward mindlessness, and maintain, at all costs, silence >>

https://www.counterpunch.org/2014/02/07/where-did-white-people-come-from/ is another place to start looking, if you have not yet understood key facts such as that 'race' is a nonsense, believed in by backward 'unscientific' numpties, sadly still the majority, at least in Britain and no doubt many nations it is involved with. A white skin mutation 5,000 years ago is very recent. The uniform nature of our ability to think, as a species, predates it by about 100,000 years. 'White' racists tend to equate their perceived superiority with Shakespeare and stuff like that, as recent publicity stunts by Johnson have shown so well, and of course the fact is that the capacity of 'white' 'Europeans' to print books and put them in libraries does not equate to some sort of birth of the capacity to think, as the deluded racists have been taught. Their 'world view' is based on the now entirely debunked notion of a 'white race' in Europe going back 50,000 years or more. Indeed, the 'white skin mutation' which is all that any 'white race' really amounts to is extremely recent and 'white' people are no different to anyone else in the world, in terms of their intelligence and what they are, essentially, what sort of creatures they/we are.

In essence, believing 'white (skin mutation) people' are 'different' in how their minds and morals operate compared with 'other coloured people' is like taking a red mini metro and a blue one, exactly the same inside, just with different paint, and saying "these two mini metros operate in different ways - I have no proof of this, but received wisdom given to me insists it is the case and that you are a liar if you contradict me, I need not examine any evidence and I can kill you for not agreeing with me as it's uncivilised of you to do so, and it is anti-semitic of you to even THINK about contradicting me you jew-hating gay-hanging woman beating muslamic rape gang terrorist commie!!"

Naturally the notion that people have causing them to imagine that their 'whiteness' makes them different - that notion IS guilty of making them fucked up and of making them do and think and say clearly very foolish things. This may confuse racist people, who may imagine that pointing at people who call themselves white and separate themselves from humanity and see themselves as superior to humanity, and saying that such people are in the majority groomed to be racist and fucked up - is somehow 'the same' as what those people are doing (ie the racists feel that saying that people who perceive themselves as 'white' are entirely racist, just from that presumption onwards, is 'racism' against 'white people' as they still obviously don't quite accept that they are the same as the rest of us, we are one species and skin tone is a surface level mutation which doesn't change that, as Chomsky says, our internal language and capacity for organised thought is virtually uniform across the species), it is in fact the reverse and people calling for an end to the fanatical belief in a 'white race' include very very many who would be labelled 'white' by those fanatics who wish to continue with this outdated 'categorisation'.

Plenty of vital material surrounding this matter is available and I've seen a few key bits of it, so I'll try and bring that info here asap from my archives. One tract of info you'll need to get stuck into is the subject of Hubert Harrison and Theodore Allen as currently explained by American academic Jeffrey B Perry.

http://7.tvhobo.com covers the issue of 'white racial preference' in 'majority white' societies like Little Britain.

Addendum: An earlier version of my explanations regarding the dismantling of people's belief in 'races' and 'eugenics', from about 2014 to 2015:

<<< The farcical nature of racists versus the clear and simple scientific truth

And possibly most importantly the one thing none of these insane racists will be able to slow down with their crusading for long enough to even think about let alone grasp is that RACE DOES NOT EXIST - not as far as real modern-day scientific thought is concerned. It is pseudo science.

Let me explain. Firstly bear in mind that 'whiteness' is an arbitrary mutation in humans. 'White' skin has only been on 'European' bodies for a few thousand years, before which they were the same as many people they call 'black', eg 'Hispanic', 'Asian', 'African' etc.

The mutation which led to whiter skin survived in cultures where agricultural practises lowered vitamin D intake and white skin produced vitamin D from the sun much faster. This is not a strength or weakness, it's a factor with context and which in the modern day is meaningless.

There is nothing 'better' or for that matter 'worse' about 'white' skin and the histories taught about it are more hilarious than old testament accounts of the conception of space time.

What you have to do is to look at this skin mutation in the context of humanity's acquisition of intelligence, based on the picture Chomsky paints of that. You see the human mind, such as it is, came into being a hell of a long time ago. This extraneous arbitrary skin mutation called 'whiteness' by pseudo-scientists whose day is somewhat over has no connection at all to that event or to the development of mental organs.

Moreover the use of language to communicate is a very limited and external and peripheral and insignificant part of the use of language vis a vis internal language and thought. So the 'white man' and his 'burden' turn out to be just ego mania. Just because other people weren't printing bibles like you were in your printing shops around the times of plagues and crusades and great fires of london, doesn't mean they didn't know how to think - far from it. The 'west' and its obsession with communicated word, particularly printed or recorded (today, Hollywood) caused them to become very ignorant about the true nature of the evolution of human intelligence - deluded and eventually forced into an artificial routine of learning by rote the mechanisms of external communication and then trying to base intelligence on that, a learned, stimulus-response thing with little connection to real intelligence but perceived as intelligent by the materialistic now-corporate-minded drones of the soulless 'western world'.

So you see the very idea that just because someone in India or Africa (centuries ago, when you started first printing your 'clever' advertisements for soap) doesn't have extensive communicative resources of your kind, written down, or wear tweed trousers, doesn't mean that their capacity for thought, their intelligence, isn't the same as yours or even far in advance of yours.

That's your racism, your jingoism, colonialism, white man's burdenism, shot down, once and for all, leave it there, pity its rotting corpse and let it die now. Just remember that the belief in the existence of "race" is incredibly laughable and shallow.

Alan Goodman writes << As an explanation for human variation, race is a tautology. It would be a shame to use the 18th century hammer of race when we have more useful tools: computers, multivariate statistics, and mounds of genetic data. This advance is significant because a more fine- grained analysis of human variation helps medicine and other efforts to understand human variation and can get at the actual cause of the variation. >> (See counterpunch.org for his articles). >>>

Additionally see http://2.tvhobo.com for a forensic glance at the facts concerning human internal language, the capacity for thought, virtually uniform across the species and about 100,000 years old, Chomsky believes.